
Singles Database
Search Database

Browse and search our extensive singles database by Song Title, Artist Name or Year of Release.

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Number 1s
Number 1's

Want to know what made it to Number 1? Pin point the biggest hits, broken down by decade.

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All The Hits is a great destination for music fans, going back to the rise of the rock ‘n’ roll era through to the hits and trends of the present day. Our intention was to create a clean and simple-to-use interface, linked to our own music collection, making it easy to navigate song information. This was initially going to be a private project, but it was decided to open this up and make it available for fellow music and data enthusiasts to enjoy.

In the online singles database, you can:

It is important to note that we do not claim any copyright over the data listed on this website. This is an independent, free-to-use resource for enthusiasts and is completely non-commercial. There are no ads or sponsors, nor do we intend to facilitate any. We are not affiliated with any third party, nor do we endorse/condone the content featured on any site that we may link to or from. All information presented has been compiled and obtained from several readily available resources, designed to make it easier to view and browse song data. The use of these resources is considered “fair use” as the data has been transformed and consolidated to match our personal music collection.

Individuals are free to view any of the data found on this website but are forbidden to copy the data with the intention to sell or charge any user to access it – it may only be used for non-commercial purposes.